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We hope our web site saves you time and/or money on your vehicle purchase or sale.
By using this web site, you accept the terms of this User Agreement. is a vehicle listing service. Information about any and all vehicles is supplied by the vehicle sellers, NOT We do not and could not verify all the information displayed on our web site about the vehicles for sale. Potential buyers and vehicle sellers should be treated with a buyer beware and seller beware approach.
By using this web site you agree not to post any misleading, illegal or obscene material or any other information or material not normally associated with listing a vehicle for sale. Further you agree not to post information about any other web site without prior written permission from reserves the right to move, edit, or delete any listing on our web site. reserves the right to deny use of our web site, to anyone who uses our site in a manner we consider inappropriate. is protected by copyright laws of the United States as well as international conventions. is copyright protected as a collective work or compilation. You agree that you will not copy, distribute or use any of the intellectual property in any way except for personal non-commercial use activities associated with the buying or selling of vehicles.
By using this web site you agree to use any information contained herein about vehicle sellers or potential buyers only for the purpose of exploring the possibilities of buying or selling a vehicle listed on our web site.
This agreement is governed by the State of New Hampshire USA. You agree to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts of the State of New Hampshire for any cause of action arising out of the use of this web site.